Slate & Nature had an excellent Fair at Stonor Park this year. A friendly atmosphere and organized like clockwork, made this event to a memorable one. Yes, a few showers but that didn’t stop the enjoyment of being outdoors; all stall holders and visitors were in a happy mood. Even our neighboring birds were having fun, entertaining young and old; real flying acrobats. Not a static display, but a very engaging trainer, Paul, created a top attraction. After showing their flying techniques, also the audience was ‘involved’. Practicing the ‘under the bridge’ act, meant accurate flying, finding their pray, by diving through the legs of volunteering (not to exclude nice female) visitors. Or lined up in queue, our small friends were ‘combing our hairs’ by ‘just’ flying over our heads. The falcons enjoyed using the S&N marquee as an observatory point and for a short period of time S&N had a tenant to check out one of our special bird houses; the Barn owl box. Being inside, he (or she) seemed to like it; Paul had to call several times before it came out again.
If you are looking for a special & entertaining event; these feathery acrobats and their trainer Paul you can book via:; highly recommended by S&N!
Another nice attraction was the ‘bronze’ casting workshop of Graeme, Bronzeheart ( With patience and enthusiasm he helped me and each other pupil (of all ages), in making his/her own casting. Experience how our ancistors made castings in a cuttlefish bone, thousands of years ago.
Talking about natural materials, another stand, worth mentioning is Wood’n’things, Paul and Renate, and their beautiful natural wood and felted products (; from very special mirror’s (in Burr) to highly decorative handbags. A lovely couple who we met on our first (very rainy) fair in Penshurst; especially supporting our business in saying ‘don’t question your products, it is the weather that is letting us all down, believe me, we’re doing this already over 20 years!’
It is impossible to mention all other nice stall holders, but, Ingrid’s (Wagner) Big Knit stand we can’t skip. It is impossible to not see her brilliant and bright colours and her lovely and gregarious personality! You can enjoy her work at
Finally to close off; have a look at Linden Craven Jewellery, making beautiful and special enamel, pearl & silver jewellery. It was Linden who advised us to also go South of the UK, meeting lots of very nice people. Something we don’t regret! Thanks Linden, see you at the next event (Mary Ann Rogers Christmas Exhibition in West Woodburn – last weekend Nov & 1st in December). Slate & Nature Studio is also OPEN at these weekends; please come and enjoy a secret ‘chocolate treat’ whilst looking at our latest designs.
Thanks to the ICHF organisation; all in all it was a very enjoyable event; we’ll be back next year!