Proudly we can say; Slate & Nature will be featured, for 2-3 minutes, in the program ‘Escape to the Country‘, on Wednesday the 14th September, 3 PM (or 15.00hrs GWMT) on BBC1.
Sorry we don’t know yet what to expect, but we liked the shooting; it was fun. Amazing what the crew & participants were doing. Gerard is not a ‘natural’ actor as he couldn’t keep his story-line constant. Every-time something new ‘popped-op’ driving the crew crazy, but they kept friendly and just said, ‘again, but now….’ Now it appears that (software) editing is mighty professional and it was possible to stitch something together; lets keep our finger crossed…. tbc..
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Hello Carol, you can see the via through Youtube; Escape to the Country, Northumberland. Regards, Jeanette